Teresa Taylor is the founder and chief creative officer of Teresa Taylor Designer Healthcare. Her line of stylish and innovative care products meet a variety of health and mobility needs. We recently sat down with her to learn more about the inspiration behind her products and where she sees the HME industry heading.

What inspired you to design a line of Major League Baseball (MLB) canes and accessories?
TAYLOR: Everything we design is about creating an element of empowerment within our product line and selling products that inspire people and add joy. I could not think of a better way to inspire our customers than applying America's favorite pastime to our brand. I also happen to live with World Series Champion and former Miracle Met Art Shamsky, and he has been a wonderful inspiration to me as our spokesperson.
What you would like to accomplish before the end of 2015?
TAYLOR: To provide value in the health care community, to connect with the right distributors for our brand and to touch as many lives as we can. And last but not least, to bring smiles to millions of children who buy our MLB mascot wheelchair bags!
What part of your job do you most enjoy?
TAYLOR: Working with our customers and communities through special events. I also enjoy working with charity causes that are dear to my heart. We donated our Boston Red Sox medical supplies post-bombing in Boston. For me, it is always about connecting to those who need help and inspiration.
How do you stay innovative in a fast-changing market?
TAYLOR: By always inventing new products and improving existing ones. We stay modern and in touch with what our customer wants—a refreshing brand that inspires a sense of well-being.
What is one thing you do to keep your employees excited about work?
TAYLOR: Treat them well, ignite them with passion and truly make them feel that they are a part of a team. I am far more than the chief creative officer. I always go out of my way to thank those who work hard. More importantly, I keep an open mind and have an open door policy.
What changes do you see ahead for the health care industry?
TAYLOR: From what I hear from my friends in health care, not enough changes. We must support our DME companies and keep them in business. As far as pharmaceutical and insurance companies, this is where many of the changes need to come from. It is a tragedy when a senior cannot afford their prescription and they have to choose to buy food or the drug they need.
What are a few of your favorite things?
TAYLOR: I am involved in sports on a very high level—swimming, weight lifting, and running keep my mind sharp. As far as books, I cannot get enough of Anthony Robbins. He personifies healthful living, and when the going gets tough, he can change my day in an instant.