AAHomecare Washington Legislative Conference

This year's WLC will be held at the Sheraton Pentagon City - Arlington, Va.
Early Bird Hotel Reservations are available: Single $254 -- reserve online here or call 1-800-325-3535
Now is the time to step up and get involved with the legislative process. We need our members of Congress to understand what is at stake for the HME community, and we need members of that community to help explain it to them. 

We'll work with you to schedule the right appointments. Once you get here, you'll have access to homecare's top experts, who will help you understand the details of the key issues during a day-long series of seminars. We'll also provide tips on the best ways to establish working relationships with your members of Congress, give you handouts to leave behind in Hill offices after your appointments, and then follow-up with those offices to reinforce your message.

Arlington, VA