WASHINGTON (March 19, 2014) —To help prepare for the IDC-10 transition on Oct. 1, 2014, Common Electronic Data Interchange (CEDI), in conjunction with CMS, is asking for volunteers to conduct limited end-to-end testing July 21-25. A sample of 32 participants for each DME MAC will be selected from the volunteers to provide a representation of DME provider, claim, and submitter types. To be considered for the test, complete the volunteer form by March 24. The form is available on the CEDI web site at ngscedi.com under the ICD-10 testing information page. CEDI will notify the volunteers who have been selected by April 14. Those selected will be provided specific details regarding how to test and who to contact for testing support. All volunteers must meet the following requirements: Testers may be a third party such as a clearinghouse or billing service, or a DME provider who submits directly to Medicare. Testers must submit claims electronically to CEDI. Providers who submit claims through a third party will have to work with that third party to participate in the testing if the third party is selected as a volunteer. Testers must be established and active CEDI trading partners and capable of receiving electronic remittance advices (ERAs). Testers must be ready to test ICD-10, meaning all vendor and practice management software has been updated and internally tested prior to conducting end-to-end testing with Medicare. Testers must be able to submit future dated claims. Testers must be able to provide the national provider identifiers (NPIs), provider transaction account numbers (PTANs), and beneficiary health insurance claim numbers (HICNs) they will use for test claims when requested by CEDI. This information will be needed several months prior to the start of testing for set-up purposes. The CEDI and DME MAC systems will be able to accommodate future dates of service for this testing. Test claims with ICD-10 codes must be submitted with dates of service October 1, 2014 through October 15, 2014. Each selected submitter may send up to 50 test claims over the course of the testing week. Test claims accepted by CEDI will be delivered to the DME MACs for processing and an ERA will be generated and returned. Click here for more information.