WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 15, 2018)—In an announcement shared in the CMS Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Center on June 12, and on Director Seema Verma’s Twitter, CMS is modifying its coverage of continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) supported by smartphone apps.
In January 2017, CMS issued a ruling providing for Medicare coverage of therapeutic CGMs. DME Medicare audit contractors (MACs) weighed in on March 23, 2017, with coverage guidance for these devices.
Stakeholders shared with CMS that current policy limited the use of their smart CGMs and limited selection for new devices. After review of concerns, CMS is now covering connected devices. Connected CGMs allow patients to share data with the physicians and families, enabling better goal tracking and health outcomes.
A revised policy article will be issued at a later date, after DME MAC review.
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