ATLANTA (August 29, 2016)—Provider Web Capital recently conducted a survey of health care small business owners on their views of the upcoming election. Business owners in the medical field are focused on politics, as the response rate was high. The survey asked respondents how much impact they expected to see on their business from the election. It also asked what these business owners would like to see happen to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and who they thought would win the Presidential election.

When asked about the potential impact of the election on their business, the majority of medical business owners thought the election would have a substantial impact. 90 percent of the survey respondents said the election would have a moderate to substantial impact, with over 64 percent in the substantial category.

Survey participants were asked what changes, if any, they would like to see with the ACA. This question brought the most diversity of responses. While the most commonly chosen option was a repeal of the ACA with 31 percent of the responses, a full 25 percent only wanted to see slight changes to the Act. Twenty-three percent of the respondents said the ACA should be overhauled, and 18 percent wrote in responses that had a similar flavor. Most of the write-in responses to this question focused on lower-cost of insurance, more insurance carrier options or some type of public option through Medicare.

The final question asked health care small business owners who they think would be the next President of the United States. This was not intended to ask participants whom they were voting for, just who they think will be the winner. We saw a result that broadly matched the polling numbers across the U.S. with 54 percent expecting Hillary Clinton to beat out Donald Trump in November.

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