WASHINGTON (Feb. 19, 2015)—Suppliers bidding in the Round 2 Recompete and/or the national mail-order recompete of the Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program, the Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC) must receive your hardcopy financial documents on or before Feb. 23, 2015 in order for the documents to be eligible for a covered document review and for you to be notified of any missing financial documents. 

All suppliers bidding in the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program must submit the financial documents specified in the Request for Bids (RFB) instructions. CMS urges all bidders to take advantage of the covered document review process. Under this process, bidders whose financial documents are received by the CBIC by the covered document review date (CDRD) will be notified of any missing financial documents and will have an opportunity to submit the missing documents. The CDRD deadline for the Round 2 Recompete and the national mail-order recompete is Feb. 23, 2015- financial documents must be received by CBIC on or before Feb. 23, 2015, to qualify for the covered document review process.

The covered document review process is only to determine if individual financial documents are missing and is not a review of the accuracy or completeness of individual documents. Bidders whose hardcopy financial documents are received by the CBIC by the CDRD will be notified of any missing financial documents within 90 days of the CDRD. Bidders will be required to submit only the indicated missing financial document(s) within 10 business days of the notification. Bidders whose hardcopy financial documents are received after the CDRD will not be notified of any missing financial documents.

After the bid window closes, bidders may only submit the requested financial documents identified as part of the CDRD process and cannot submit corrections to any other required documents. Bidders are encouraged to review the Covered Document Review Date fact sheet on the CBIC website.

Here are some important instructions to remember when submitting your financial documents:

  • Review the RFB carefully to be sure that your financial documents comply with all requirements. The RFB contains complete instructions for compiling and submitting your financial documents.
  • Put your bidder number on every page of every document. CMS needs your bidder number to match your hardcopy documents with your electronic bid. You will get your bidder number when you complete the Business Organization Information screen in Form A in DBidS, the online bidding system.
  • Submit all required hardcopy documents in one package.