Highlights issues and trends facing the HME community

WATERLOO, Iowa (January 31, 2018)—VGM Group, Inc. announced the official release of its latest playbook, Industry Snapshots: Forecasting 2018.

The playbook is the first in a series of comprehensive, downloadable resources that will highlight issues, trends and opportunities facing the HME community.

“In 2018 there is little debate there will continue to be change and uncertainty in the DMEPOS community,” said Clint Geffert, president of VGM & Associates, a division of VGM Group. “But, where there’s a threat, a great opportunity awaits. Our playbook will provide insight and tips to help providers improve performance and offset risks within their business.”

VGM’s playbook is free and includes 12 articles that cover areas related to compliance, data and security, mega-trends, and tax bill implications and the economy. Content was developed by VGM’s thought leaders and is a high-level overview of a number of pressing topics and opportunities facing providers and vendors alike.  

“Today’s HME market is complex and challenging. However, based on estimates from the Census Bureau, opportunities for growth exist and will become more prevalent in the near future-uniquely positioning our industry to help improve the quality of life for more patients than ever before,” stated Geffert. “Those that are flexible, adaptable and determined to evolve will become industry champions and succeed into the future.”

Industry Snapshots: Forecasting 2018 is available online at playbook.vgm.com.

Visit vgm.com for more information.