Learn the steps to get prepared for the new payment model before time runs out.
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Adapting to a new payment model is not an easy task. Some providers have spent the entire year preparing for this change, while others might have decided to take it slow and steady. Join Mary Henschel, director of market insights at PointClickCare, on Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 2 p.m. Eastern to learn: 

  • How to best use the next three months to help ensure PDGM readiness 
  • How technology can accelerate your preparedness plan 
  • Action items to complete on a month-to-month basis

It’s not too late to get PDGM ready! Face the new year with confidence.

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Mary Henschel
Mary Henschel
Director of Market Insights
PointClickCare Home Care

Mary Henschel is the Director of Marketing Insights for Home Care at PointClickCare and has been with the Home Care product since its inception. Prior to joining PointClickCare six years ago, Henschel was President at Nobility Health, a home health care management software company. Henschel has spent several years as a senior independent consultant helping organizations reach their strategic goals.



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