How to conquer confusion surrounding this new payment model: A Panel Discussion
Sponsored by: PointClickCare
June 26th, 2019

PointClickCare surveyed hundreds of providers about their top anxieties around PDGM. Transitioning staff to the new model surfaced as one of the most significant causes for concern.

What kind of training needs to be provided?

How will my staff be able to manage this change?

How can I prepare them now?

Join PointClickCare and a diverse panel of homecare providers on Wednesday, June 26, at 2 p.m. EDT to learn how providers are preparing their staff for the new reimbursement model.

Our panelists are:

  • Bryan Casey, Regional Director of Operations, Continuing Healthcare Solutions
  • Erin Sprando, Director of Operations, Marquis Companies
  • Susan Jirsa, BA, BSN, RN, COS-C, HCS-D, Director of Medicare Education, Recover Health

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Mary Henschel
Mary Henschel
Director of Market Insights
PointClickCare Home Care

Mary Henschel is the Director of Marketing Insights for Home Care at PointClickCare and has been with the Home Care product since its inception. Prior to joining PointClickCare six years ago, Henschel was President at Nobility Health, a home health care management software company. Henschel has spent several years as a senior independent consultant helping organizations reach their strategic goals.



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