<p>Tom Ryan is the President and CEO of the American Association for Homecare. He can be reached at (202) 372-0753 or tomr@aahomecare.org.</p>

<p>Tyler J. Wilson is former president and CEO of the American Association for Homecare, headquartered in Arlington, Va. He can be reached at tylerw@aahomecare.org. For more information on critical homecare issues, visit the association’s website at www.aahomecare.org.</p&gt;

<p>Wayne Stanfield is former vice president of provider relations at the American Association for Homecare, and former president and CEO of the National Association of Independent Medical Equipment Suppliers (NAIMES). Wayne is co-owner of a northern Virginia DME supplier and executive director of the Home Care Alliance of Virginia (HCAV). You can reach him at 434-572-6779 or wstanfield@hcav.com. </p>

Las Vegas, Nev. (March 4, 2020)--The home medical equipment (HME) industry is well-positioned for success, and its leading advocacy group has made significant shifts in focus and goals to set up for it, AAHomecare President and CEO Tom Ryan said Wednesday.

Now it’s time for HME providers to step up and support the group’s broader mission, Ryan said at the association’s update session at Medtrade Spring in Las Vegas, Nev.

In addition to changing rates in non-bid locations, CMS plans to lower certain rates based on regional calculations, all under the guise of streamlining the bid program