The old adage that “You get what you pay for” is generally true. However, when it comes to incontinence products, sometimes paying more means spending less in the long run. A wet bed was Mary’s wake-up call every morning, her morning routine is a mad rush to get John up and showered, strip the bed and start the washing machine for the three loads it would take to wash linens and pajamas, and take the soiled disposable incontinence products to the outside trash to start reversing the odor in the bedroom. All of this had to be done before Mary could get their house ready for babysitting the grandkids each weekday. It was even worse on the days that she and John had a doctor’s appointment or other outside commitment. How lower-quality products affected the daily costs of incontinence care:
- Cost of laundry (water, electricity and detergent): Estimated at $ .75 per load between the washer and the dryer. Mary averaged three extra loads from John’s soiled clothing and linens. She washed these soiled items quickly and separately to avoid lingering odors. Daily cost: $2.25
- Cost of incontinence products: Mary usually shopped at the giant chain store near their house and tried to stick with the name brands, believing they were her best chance of preventing leakage and keeping John comfortable day and night. She tried asking an employee for advice, but they knew less than she did about these things. There were “sales” all of the time, but she generally averaged a cost of $ .55/each. She usually used between from six to eight of these each day. Daily cost: $3.85 (Average of seven products)
- Cost of additional absorbent products: Mary found leakage to be common no matter what brand she bought. She had heard that putting an absorbent pad inside of John’s protective (disposable) underwear could help reduce this recurring leakage. Costs varied greatly on this pad depending on what was left on the shelf when she went to the store. Daily cost: $1.75 (Average of seven products)
- The total daily cost for Mary and John comes to $7.85.
- Cost of laundry: The wet linen situation was completely gone. Minor leakage made it to Bob’s outer clothing too few times to count, and when it did occur, it usually only affected Bob’s pajamas once in a blue moon. Daily cost: $0.00
- Cost of incontinence products: Janet switched Bob’s brand to a higher quality and more absorbent brand that she had never heard of before her visit to the supply store. The cost of this product was more than twice what Janet had been paying. But as the supply store employee had predicted, the need to change as frequently declined sharply (along with the leakages that they had carefully planned their days around). The cost of these products did not fluctuate with intermittent “sales” and was always around $1.25/each. She found that four of these protective underwear would easily thwart leakage over the course of 24 hours. Daily cost: $5.00
- Cost of additional absorbent products: Again, as predicted by the supply store employee, the need for these “booster” pads had diminished. The higher quality product had completely eliminated the need for additional absorbency beyond what it offered. Daily cost: $0.00
- The total daily cost for Janet and Bob comes to $5.00.