GrabNHold Soap
The unique design of GrabNHold Soap improves the ability of people with poor grip and finger motility to perform basic bathing activities by limiting dropping and soap slippage, which may lead to falls, dizziness or balance issues when picking it up.
Visit www.advancedsoap.com.
Gabrialla MS-96
The Gabrialla MS-96 maternity support belt is the winner of multiple national awards and has been featured on the covers of multiple maternity and baby magazines in the United States. The pregnancy belly band is safe to wear postpartum up to a month after natural delivery or cesarean section to help ease back, pelvic and abdomen discomfort. Visit www.gabrialla.us.
Livinguard scrubs continuously self-disinfect throughout the day, killing 99.99% of bacteria in only 10 minutes, setting a new standard of hygienic performance for health care workers. The technology is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, and the fabric is tested for skin sensitivities and is machine washable. Visit www.livinguard.com.
Caregiver Safety Training
Personal Safety Strategies for Home Health Care Professionals is a self-guided online course covering the potential dangers of home and facility visits. Participants will be able to identify personal safety areas of risk and vulnerability during a home visit. This course is also available in a live webinar format to accommodate homecare agencies that prefer a group learning environment. The goal of the course is to equip providers with effective tools that promote personal safety in the homecare workspace.
Visit www.tlacnow.com.