Read the latest from HomeCare contributors on how to run your home health agency, whether you're providing skilled care and therapy, managing a care plan, working in the hospice field or supporting personal care.  

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (October 19, 2020)—The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world for homecare—but also elevated the profession in the eyes of the public and lawmakers, William A. Dombi, president of the National Association for Home Care & Hospice, said Monday as he opened the group’s annual conference.

“What has emerged is energy and enthusiasm about our future,” Dombi said.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (September 15, 2020)—Communication matters, especially during a pandemic. There are a lot of apps and other channels out there for communicating with groups; HomeCare spoke with Mike Eidsaune, the CEO of Carely, an app designed specifically for family caregivers and senior care organizations. Carely recently announced the purchase of the online community