Each year, HomeCare publishes advertising and editorial copy about hundreds of home health care products. We also process thousands of reader requests for more information about these products.

The results are in for 2002, and our readers' choices — the top 25 products they asked to learn more about — appear in this edition of HomeCareXtra.

The No. 1 item of interest in the magazine's pages last year was AirSep's portable oxygen concentrator, the LifeStyle, a product that also made the list for 2001. If you're not among those who inquired about this product, here's your chance to give it a second look.

Echoing market trends, ambulatory aids, sleep products and bath safety products were of special interest to our readers. But their picks also include a wide range of products, from ramps to software, and sheepskin to nebulizers — so review the year's 24 runners-up as well to see how they rate against the products you carry. And if you're interested, ask for more information this time around.

AirSep/Portable Oxygen Concentrator LifeStyle

  • designed for highly mobile or traveling user; features flow settings up to 5 liters per minute
  • designed to continuously produce its own oxygen supply with pulse-flow delivery
  • features optional cart and multi-battery pack; powered by household electricity, DC automobile adapter or rechargeable battery

Call 800/874-0202. Web site: www.airsep.com
Circle 200 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

RD Equipment/Shower Chair Tub Slide Shower Chair

  • available as self-propelled, wheeled chair
  • features outrigger, attached to side, that allows the top of the shower chair, in cluding seat, arms, and back, to slide into bathtub
  • optional deluxe equipment available
  • also fits over commode

Call 508/362-7498.
Web site: www.rdequipment.com
Circle 201 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

AirSep/Oxygen Conserving Device ImPulse Elite

  • has two modes of operation for 6-to-1 or 3-to-1 conservation ratios; has 12 flow settings
  • has pulse settings with up to 6 liters per minute continuous flow equivalency
  • features multiple safety features and constant battery indicator

Call 800/874-0202. Web site: www.airsep.com
Circle 221 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Sunrise Medical/CPAP Mask Pads DeVilbiss Gel Cushion and Gel Forehead Pads

  • for use with DeVilbiss Serenity Mask line
  • interchangeable with Serenity Mask's silicone cushion and forehead pads
  • designed to offer extra comfort
  • designed to create improved seal
  • cushion available in standard, shallow sizes

Call 800/333-4000. Web site: www.sunrisemedical.com
Circle 217 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Mobility, Inc./Toilet System AirLift

  • includes lowering/lifting bedside commode and lowering/lifting raised toilet seat
  • features 270-pound weight capacity
  • air-powered

Call 866/456-8121.
Web site: www.mobilityinc.net
Circle 202 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Eagle Health Supplies/Bath Transfer Bench User-Friendly Sliding Transfer Bench with Swivel Seat

  • 250-pound weight capacity
  • has swivel seat that rotates 90 degrees; has safety locks
  • available with molded plastic or padded seat

Call 800/755-8999. Web site: www.eaglehealth.com
Circle 205 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Chattanooga Group/Moist Heating Pad TheraTherm

  • features digital hand control; lockout mode to prevent unintended controls changes
  • designed to soothe muscle spasms, and inflammation caused by strain and tension
  • allows user to set temperature and time

Call 800/592-7329.
Web site: www.chattgroup.com
Circle 207 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Chad Therapeutics/Oxygen Delivery System Total O2 Delivery System

  • combines stationary and ambulatory oxygen systems in one device
  • features choice of any Chad oxygen-conserving devices
  • features filling mechanism

Call 800/423-8870. Web site: www.chadtherapeutics.com
Circle 206 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Palco Labs/Mini Pulse Oximeter Model 130

  • stores oxygen saturation and pulse rate data every five seconds for up to 11.5 hours; can send stored data to handheld, portable printer or to a computer
  • designed to fit in pocket or attach to clothing with remov able belt clip
  • features variety of monitoring options, including integral finger sensor

Call 831/476-3151.
Web site: www.palcolabs.com
Circle 222 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Fisher & Paykel/Nasal Mask Aclaim 2

  • features glider mechanism, allows headgear to move while mask remains stationary; ensures stability and prevents leaks
  • features redesigned T-piece with optional locking position to reduce pressure on nose
  • features Breathopene headgear

Call 800/446-3908. Web site: www.fphcare.com
Circle 211 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Chad Therapeutics/Pneumatic Oxygen Conserver Cypress OxyPneumatic Conserver

  • designed to provide average increased usage time of 3 to 1
  • uses standard, single-lumen cannula
  • features flow settings of 1 to 6 lpm; features brass, aluminum and nylon construction

Call 800/423-8870. Web site: www.chadtherapeutics.com
Circle 210 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Carefore Medical/Portable Nebulizer System Aeroneb

  • designed for general use
  • features aerosol generator
  • features AC/DC adapter, 12-volt adapter; designed to also be powered by alkaline batteries

Call 866/423-7643.
Web site: www.aerogen.com
Circle 219 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

J.H. Emerson/Respiratory Device CoughAssist

  • designed for patients with ineffective cough; designed to clear retained broncho-pulmonary secretions
  • features adjustable internal inhale-flow restrictor and optional mobile stand
  • can be used with a facemask, mouthpiece or with patient's endotracheal or tracheostomy tube; for adult and pediatric use

Call 800/252-1414. Web site: www.jhemerson.com
Circle 213 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Eagle Health Supplies/Rollator Soulite

  • feature 250-pound weight capacity
  • features lightweight aluminum construction, padded seat
  • seat and walker fold for transport; has dual release handles

Call 800/755-8999. Web site: www.eaglehealth.com
Circle 218 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Hudson RCI/CPAP Humidification System ConchaTherm 2000

  • designed for use with CPAP and bi-level devices
  • designed to be upgraded to incorporate ConchaTherm 2000 heater
  • features easy-to-clean fill port chamber; user-friendly configuration

Call 800/848-3766.
Web site: www.hudsonrci.com
Circle 220 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Harmar Mobility/Vehicle Lift AL065 Inside-Out Lift

  • designed to be dismantled and stored inside vehicle
  • designed to fit any vehicle with trailer hitch
  • features 200-pound weight capacity; weather-resistant

Call 800/833-0478. Web site: www.harmar.com
Circle 216 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Hans Rudolph/Full-Face CPAP/NPPV Mask Series 7600

  • features one-piece, anatomically contoured, silicone face mask with integral sealing flange
  • features safety breath-out valve; 360-degree dual swivel elbow port; quick-release headgear
  • available in five sizes; pending 510(k) clearance

Call 800/456-6695.
Web site: www.rudolphkc.com
Circle 209 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

ResMed/Autotitrating Devices S7 Elite CPAP and AutoSet Spirit

  • offer fully integrated heated humidification options
  • feature common system hardware; portable
  • feature LCD user interface for clinician access to efficacy and usage data

Call 800/424-0737.
Web site: www.resmed.com
Circle 223 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Homecare Products/Modular Ramp System EZ-Access

  • aluminum; designed for residential use
  • features handrail and leg supports
  • designed for quick installation
  • double-lock for security
  • ramps, handrails and platforms are preassembled

Call 800/451-1903.
Web site: www.homecareproducts.com
Circle 203 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

KCI/Support Surface AtmosAir 300P Cushion

  • has KCI's Self-Adjusting Technology to automatically minimize interface pressures
  • has integrated positioning pad to accommodate for pelvic obliquities
  • available in multiple sizes; water-resistant and waterproof covers also available

Call 888/275-4524. Web site: www.kci1.com
Circle 208 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Oxlife/Oxygen Concentrator Excel

  • designed for continuous, everyday use at home or while traveling
  • has 3 liters continuous literflow
  • lightweight; low-maintenance

Call 800/780-2616.
Web site: www.oxlifeinc.com
Circle 212 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Computer Applications Unlimited/Software Solution/One, with ANSI 4010 Readiness

  • complies with HIPAA transaction code sets; approved by all four durable medical equipment regional carriers
  • features mag-stripe option that allows user to swipe customer's credit card
  • features new, right-click navigation options

Call 717/541-0651. Web site: www.cau.com
Circle 204 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Merits Health Products/Oxygen Concentrator Pioneer Q-150

  • has 5-liter capacity
  • has monitoring and security systems, including audio and visual alarms
  • features accessible filters; user-friendly design

Call 800/963-7487. Web site: www.meritshealth.com
Circle 224 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Dynamic Energy/Software MED-ACT

  • features integrated modules, including order entry, accounts receivable, CMN tracking and statement generation
  • can convert data from existing systems
  • Windows-based

Call 800/326-0314.
Web site: www.dynamicenergy.com
Circle 215 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

Essential Medical/Wound Care products Sheepette Synthetic Sheepskin

  • available in bed pads, crutch covers, walker grip covers, heel and elbow protectors, and wheelchair sets
  • distributes pressure evenly and helps prevent skin shear
  • machine washable and dryable

Call 800/826-8423.
Web site: www.essentialmedicalsupply.com
Circle 214 or visit www.homecaremag.com for company information.

2002's Top 25

The following list ranks the Top 25 products carried in HomeCare's pages during 2002 in order of reader interest.

1. AirSep/Portable Oxygen Concentrator LifeStyle
2. RD Equipment/Shower Chair Tub Slide Shower Chair
3. Mobility, Inc./Toilet System AirLift
4. Homecare Products/Modular Ramp System EZ-Access
5. Computer Applications Unlimited/HIPAA-Ready Software Solution/One, with ANSI 4010 Readiness
6. Eagle Health Supplies/Bath Transfer Bench User-Friendly Sliding Transfer Bench with Swivel Seat
7. Chad Therapeutics/Oxygen Delivery System Total O2 Delivery System
8. Chattanooga Group/Moist Heating Pad TheraTherm
9. KCI/Support Surface AtmosAir 300P Cushion
10. Hans Rudolph/Full-Face CPAP/NPPV Mask Series 7600
11. Chad Therapeutics/Pneumatic Oxygen Conserver Cypress Oxypneumatic Oxygen Conserver
12. Fisher & Paykel/Nasal Mask Aclaim 2
13. OxLife/Portable Oxygen Concentrator L-6
14. J.H. Emerson/Respiratory Device CoughAssist
15. Essential Medical/Wound Care Surface Sheepette Synthetic Sheepskin
16. Dynamic Energy/Software MED-ACT
17. Harmar Mobility/Vehicle Lift AL065 Inside-Out Lift
18. Sunrise Medical/CPAP Mask Pads DeVilbiss Gel Cushion and Gel Forehead Pads
19. Eagle Health Supplies/Rollator Soulite
20. Carefore Medical/Portable Nebulizer System Aeroneb
21. Hudson RCI/CPAP Humidification System ConchaTherm 2000
22. AirSep/Oxygen Conserving Device ImPulse Elite
23. Palco Labs/Mini Pulse Oximeter Model 130
24. ResMed/Autotitrating Devices S7 Elite CPAP and AutoSet Spirit
25. Merits Health Products/Oxygen Concentrator Pioneer Q-150