Waterloo, Iowa
A new company backed by The VGM Group has been created as an accreditation body for HME providers.
Healthcare Quality Association on Accreditation was formed specifically for the HME industry in response to the Medicare Modernization Act's requirement that all Medicare providers be accredited, according to Executive Director Mary Nicholas. The organization debuted at VGM's Heartland Conference, held May 31 through June 3.
“We were asked by VGM members to try to make the accreditation process more relevant to HMEs and less expensive in both out-of-pocket cash and staff time,” said Nicholas.
“VGM saw a huge need, partly with members and partly across the industry,” she continued. “Anywhere between 60 and 70 percent of providers are not accredited … with thousands of HMEs requiring accreditation in a relatively short period of time, we felt we couldn't wait any longer.”
CMS is expected to finalize quality standards for DME providers this summer and, by the end of the year, designate accrediting bodies to enforce them.
HQAA has followed CMS' guidance about its accreditation expectations to date, and the agency “was very open to the idea of a new company coming into this process,” Nicholas said.
Accreditation by HQAA will include a site visit when a provider determines his business is ready. But Nicholas noted that the process will be Internet-based and entirely paperless. It will also offer real-time accreditation support and coaching.
VGM has committed $500,000 to the non-profit entity, which will be governed by a board of directors made up of industry experts. The organization is expected to stand on its own within a year.