Additional responses from case managers and beneficiaries still sought

WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 7, 2017)—Last Friday, AAHomecare chairman Steve Ackerman joined Tom Ryan, Jay Witter and Kim Brummett to present updated findings from our Patient Access Survey to CMS officials. Staff from our survey partner Dobson DaVanzo and counsel Foley & Hoag were also in attendance.

The findings presented to CMS show that respondents noted increased problems related to access and availability, increased patient readmissions, delays of medically necessary equipment, and increased out-of-pocket expenses for beneficiaries in the current Medicare reimbursement environment. These sentiments were consistent for all three categories surveyed (Medicare beneficiaries, case managers/discharge planners, and HME suppliers).

In a previous meeting, the CMS team had requested that we increase the number of beneficiary and case manager/discharge planner respondents to improve the statistical validity of the survey, and they were impressed and appreciative that we returned with input from well over 200 respondents in both of those categories for Friday’s meeting.

We believe results from the survey will make a strong impression on CMS staff as they consider public policy related to the bidding program and other related issues. When the survey report is finalized, we will also use it on Capitol Hill in support of both near- and long-term improvements for Medicare reimbursement policy.

The survey remains open through September 13; case manager and beneficiary input especially sought in selected states

The terrific support from AAHomecare members and other stakeholders throughout the HME community in publicizing the survey to patients and case managers has played a major role in the success of this campaign. We have had more than 300 case managers/discharge planners from 37 states take part in the survey, and have responses from more than 200 beneficiaries in 38 states. We would especially appreciate any extra efforts to share the survey and help fill in the blanks for states not represented at all by September 13.

Case managers/discharge planner input especially sought in: Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Vermont

Medicare beneficiary input especially sought in: Alaska, Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and Vermont

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