ASHEVILLE, N.C., (July 2, 2020)—Aeroflow Healthcare, a nationwide provider of durable medical equipment (DME), announced a donation of $10,000 to the Junior League of Charleston Diaper Bank. This donation will help to fund needed diapers and supplies that will be distributed to children and families in the Charleston, South Carolina and surrounding areas.

Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, one in three American families struggled to afford a supply of diapers to keep their children clean, dry and healthy. With no government assistance programs specifically allocating dollars toward the purchase of diapers and the recent pandemic causing all-time high levels of unemployment, the need for diapers in our country has increased drastically.

"Having access to diapers is critical to the well-being and health of children and their families. Without access to adequate supplies, we see that children are often left in their diapers longer, causing rashes, urinary tract infections and other medical issues. Amid the coronavirus pandemic we have seen these numbers increase drastically," said Mica Phillips, Director of Urology at Aeroflow Healthcare. "We are proud to partner with the Junior League of Charleston to help lessen the diaper divide, even if in a small way."

Since the COVID-19 outbreak in early March, the Junior League of Charleston has distributed over 60,750 diapers to families in the Charleston and Tri-County area, impacting 1,270 children and their families in the Lowcountry. Their goal is not only to provide families with the supplies they need, but also empower them toward self-sufficiency through a multitude of services that increase their health, wellness and security.

"The Junior League of Charleston is serving the Lowcountry during these unprecedented times amid COVID-19. Now, maybe more than ever, community means so much to so many, and the impact that the Junior League of Charleston's Diaper Bank is making in our community is an example of how our members can respond rapidly to address dramatic and growing demand for diapers," says Beth Bailey, JLC 2018-2020 President. "We are incredibly grateful for Aeroflow's generous support as we continue to address diaper need and make sure all families in our community during this crisis have access to a sufficient supply of diapers."

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