CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. (September 30, 2016)—Comfort Medical, LLC, a national mail-order provider of urological and ostomy supplies, and Wheel:Life, a media and social community for wheelchair users, have partnered with The Woody Foundation, a nonprofit serving the paralyzed community. Together, they are expanding awareness of a free nationwide program that provides Woody Packs to quadriplegics and other people with limited hand dexterity due to paralysis.
Imagine how many times a day you use your hands to pick-up a phone, cup, pen, fork or an ID card. Individuals with limited hand function can use the assistive devices in a Woody Pack to overcome these and other daily obstacles. The adaptive aids allow users to be more independent on a daily basis.
"The partnership with Comfort Medical and Wheel:Life has opened our platform of giving back to the community like we have never dreamed was possible and we couldn't be happier. The purpose of the Woody Pack is to spread awareness that assistive devices can help people with limited hand functioning due to their paralysis because independent living is so important," Woody Foundation Executive Director Lucy Foerster says.
Woody Packs include ID holders with a retractable cord to attach on a wheelchair; grip tape; adaptive forks and spoons; cup with a closeable top and long straws that you can heat up and bend into different shapes to make drinking easier; wheelchair cup holder; wheelchair side bag and a handi-zap (a ring with a stylus attached to it that can be used on different types of electronic and touch screen devices).
Thanks to the exclusive partnership with Comfort Medical and Wheel:Life, Woody Packs now also include the opportunity to request a variety of catheter samples that are specifically chosen for people with limited hand dexterity, as well as all the free books that Wheel:Life offers on the topics of fundraising, accessible travel and relationship advice.
“Comfort Medical is honored to partner with The Woody Foundation in their mission to help quadriplegics live more independently. We believe this relationship will lead to a better quality of life for the community we serve,” says Ryan Flannery, president of Comfort Medical.
“Wheelchair users often visit our site specifically looking for resources that help them with daily living issues and challenges. The Woody Foundation fits perfectly with our readership, and we are thrilled to share their story as well as their free programs,” says Wheel:Life director Lisa Wells.
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