What Congressional Action On Health Care and Social Services Will Mean for Seniors
The collapse of the Senate Republican leadership’s health bill will preserve Medicaid as it is and could hold down insurance premiums for people aged 50-64 who are buying on the health exchanges. However, their ability to buy decent, affordable coverage in the future still remains uncertain and will depend on decisions the Trump Administration and Congress make over the next few months. (Howard Gleckman/Forbes)
According to the latest Genworth Cost of Care Study (2016), national average charges for care range from $3,813/month for home care (44 hours/week), $3,628/month for assistive living and $6,844 to $7,698 per month for nursing homes. (Kathleen Kelly/The Hill)
Major Communication Gaps Between Doctors and Home Health Care Nurses Revealed
Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have found serious gaps in communication between physicians and home health care agencies responsible for caring for often elderly patients discharged from hospitals. The problem, the study said, can contribute to hospital readmissions. (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus/EurekAlert!)
Grey Matters: For Elderly, There’s a Hole in Our Health Care System
Adopting and implementing a comprehensive seniors’ strategy is much needed. (Wanda Morris/National Post)
Defending Against Dark Web-Fueled Attacks Calls for Research, Strategy
Cybercriminals can hit healthcare organizations with unpatched vulnerabilities for which, for a very low price, they can buy an exploit for an existing vulnerability with a patch and then install some form of custom undetectable malware into a network. (Bill Siwicki/Healthcare IT News)