An Old-School Pharmacy Hand-Delivers Drugs to Congress, A Little-Known Perk for the Powerful
Nearly every day for at least two decades pharmaceutical drugs have been brought by the carload to the Capitol—an arrangement so under the radar that even pharmacy lobbyists who regularly pitch Congress on their industry aren’t aware of it. (Erin Mershan/Stat News)
Price Matters, in Patients’ Minds
When people believe a medicine is expensive, they may show a greater response to it. (Nicholas Bakalar/New York Times)
California to Require Advanced Notice on Hikes in Drug Costs
Drug companies doing business in California will soon have to notify the public two months in advance of dramatic price spikes under legislation signed Monday by Gov. Jerry Brown. Kathleen Ronayne/Associated Press)
Microhospitals Could Add to Mix of Health-Care Offerings in Central Ohio
Microhospitals typically have eight to 10 inpatient beds and such core services as emergency care, outpatient services, labs, imaging and pharmacies. They target communities that might not need a full-blown facility. (JoAnne Viviano/The Columbus Dispatch)
What Hospice Care Looks Like in America
Recent studies have shown that hospice care is used only at the very end of life, most often in the last two weeks of life, rather than for its full, six-month benefit. (Amy Baxter/Home Health Care News)