ATLANTA (September 15, 2016)—Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC) is supporting disaster relief efforts in Louisiana, working with its local contacts (particularly in Baton Rouge and Livingston parishes, two of the worst-hit areas) to contribute funding, equipment and other supplies.
At Medtrade October 31–November 3, FODAC is asking vendors and manufacturers to contribute DME and supplies that can be distributed through FEMA, Red Cross and Centers for Independent Living in the flood areas of Louisiana.
FODAC recently won accreditation as a durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) provider by Healthcare Quality Association on Accreditation (HQAA). The accreditation allows FODAC to work with Medicare/Medicaid, hospitals and many insurance carriers and their clients.
At the end of a 24-month training and quality improvement process, the HQAA surveyor inspected FODAC’s entire facility, client charts and financial documents. Extensive interviews were conducted with staff and volunteers, as well as with clients and representatives from contracted entities and partners.
“The DMEPOS accreditation will help us continue to provide the best services, but also open up more partnerships in health care,” said Chris Brand, CEO and president of FODAC. “We are seeing more growth in hospital partnerships, and a new contract with Georgia’s Department of Aging Services has enabled us to begin delivering DME to Area Agencies on Aging across the state. We are grateful to HQAA for helping us achieve this accreditation, and look forward to working with them to maintain our high standards in client care.”
In conjunction with its 30th anniversary, FODAC is holding a community open house and tour September 23 at the organization’s Stone Mountain, Georgia, headquarters.
Visit and for more information.
—Greg Thompson