WATERLOO, Iowa (March 31, 2022)—VGM & Associates is pleased to announce Devin Henderson, certified speaking professional (CSP), as the keynote speaker for its 2022 Heartland Conference, scheduled for June 13-15, 2022, in Waterloo, Iowa. 

“Devin is a magician and comedian who put his talent to the test on the big stage of ‘America’s Got Talent,’” said Jill Blaser, chair of Heartland Conference. “But his rise to fame was stalled when his segment was never aired.”

Henderson’s journey was just beginning. Devastated by the setback, he regrouped and reemerged as an inspirational keynote speaker focused on teaching about the “Possibility Mindset.” This helped him rise through unexpected challenges and ask the question, "What else is possible?" Henderson’s show is part magic, part comedy and focused on reminding audiences that with resilience, something greater is always possible.

“Devin’s story of resilience is one that many of our [home medical equipment] HME leaders can identify with,” said Blaser. When the going gets tough, the next best step can be to reinvent and reengage just like Devin did.” 

Henderson was voted the 2010 Stage Magician of the Year and Close Up Magician of the Year by the Kansas City Ring of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. He placed third out of 40-plus people in Kansas City’s annual “Clash of the Comics” in 2017. Learn more about him on his website, devinhenderson.com

If you’d like to see Devin Henderson speak in person at VGM Heartland Conference, visit vgmheartland.com. Registration is open to VGM's membership communities with special early bird pricing until April 15. Click here to register.