Bad Health Outcomes For Adults Who Don’t Get Help As Teens
Young people with health problems left uncared for in adolescence face higher risks of leading unhealthy lives as adults, a new study finds. (Lisa Gillespie/Kaiser Healthcare News)

Seniors Living Out Their Childhood Dreams Prove It's Never Too Late
It's been said that it's never too late to become what you might have been—and we've got the photos to prove it. (Yagana Sha/Huffington Post)

How Congress Could Fix Obamacare For Former Foster Children
A Democratic senator is hoping to attach a fix for one of the Affordable Care Act's numerous glitches—this one for coverage of foster children—to child-welfare legislation expected to move this Congress. (Dylan Scott/National Journal)

How a 6-Point Plan Could Improve End-of-Life Care
For doctors, having a difficult conversation with seriously ill patients and their families about end-of-life care can be understandably complicated, and physicians and the provider organizations they work with are looking for the best resources to help. (Amy Baxter/HomeHealth Care News)

For Hospitals, Sleep And Patient Satisfaction May Go Hand In Hand

It’s a common complaint—if you spend a night in the hospital, you probably won’t get much sleep.