Federal Lawmakers Seek Pre-Claim Data Before Speaking Up
In light of the decision by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to delay the implementation of the Pre-Claim Review Demonstration in Florida, Texas, Massachusetts and Michigan, home health providers in Illinois say they are reeling as the program is still underway there. (Amy Baxter/Home Health Care News)
The Doctor Is In. In Your House, That Is.
Remember when doctors made house calls? While only a relative handful of doctors still offer them, there is growing evidence that comprehensive home medical care could be a viable alternative to the attendant woes and soaring expenses of institutional health services, particularly for those in late retirement. (John F. Wasik/The New York Times)
Wages for Home Care Aides Lag as Demand Grows
The analysts at P.H.I., a nonprofit research and consulting group, sift through federal data each year to see how the nation’s swelling corps of home care workers is faring. (Paula Span/The New York Times)
Falls Led to 27,000 Deaths and 7 Million Injuries in 2014, CDC Says
Falls continue to be the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among adults aged at least 65 years, according to a new report in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report,” published on Thursday in conjunction with the ninth annual Falls Prevention Awareness Day. (Lois A. Bowers/McKnight’s Senior Living)
Home Care Providers Can Keep Tapping Free Money Tax Credits
The bad news is that some agencies have missed out on the chance to apply for tax credits for new hires dating back to 2015—but the good news is that the WOTC program still is ongoing and a way for home care providers to give a boost to their bottom line. (Tim Mullaney/Home Health Care News)