WATERLOO, Iowa (January 5, 2022)—VGM Group, Inc., announced its general counsel, Jim Walsh, has retired as of Dec. 31, 2021. Walsh will remain involved with VGM as an advisor to the senior leadership team and chairman of the board of directors. 

Walsh was the first investor in VGM when it was founded by his friend Van G. Miller in 1986. A prominent Waterloo attorney, Walsh did not join the VGM staff full-time until 1996, when he became general counsel and a member of the senior leadership team. He assumed the chairmanship of the board of directors following Miller’s untimely death in 2015.

Walsh is a pioneer of the home medical equipment (HME) industry and has long served as an advisor and trusted resource to business leaders across the industry. His influence within VGM has helped build the company into what it is today. 

“Jim Walsh was integral to most everything that happened at VGM, especially in the first 30 years of the company’s existence,” said VGM Group CEO Mike Mallaro. “He was the primary driver behind a number of strategies and decisions which shaped our company’s history and impact us today, and will long into the future. Serving as the steadying influence and strong number two behind a maverick and visionary entrepreneur is an incredibly important role, and one that is often overlooked and underappreciated. VGM would not be the organization that it is today without Jim Walsh’s leadership and brilliance.”

While Walsh is stepping back from day-to-day operations at VGM, he will continue to impact the business and the HME industry for years to come. 

“I want to express our overwhelming gratitude and hearty congratulations to Jim on behalf of everyone at VGM,” Mallaro said. “VGM would not be what it is today without the immense contributions of Jim Walsh and we are fortunate to continue to have his wisdom and guidance as our chairman.”

Visit vgm.com for more information.