WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 14, 2015)—Don’t sit on the sidelines waiting for others to make the “ask” in Washington, D.C. The American Association for Homecare is urging all providers to join us on Capitol Hill as we fight to replace the current competitive bidding program with a functional and transparent pricing system and work to simplify the stream of requirements and procedures that stands between suppliers and patients.
“We have come too far to quit now. We need to keep pleading our case, building relationships with our legislators, and fighting with all the energy and enthusiasm we can muster,” explains Tom Ryan, president of AAHomecare. “In my heart, I know that we will get a win for the HME community if we continue to persevere. Now is the time to step up and get involved with the legislative process. We need members of Congress to understand what is at stake for the HME community, and we need members of that community to help explain it to them.”
AAHomecare will work with you to schedule the right appointments. Once you get to Washington, DC, you'll have access to homecare's top experts, who will help you understand the details of the key issues during a day-long series of seminars. They will also provide tips on the best ways to establish working relationships with your members of Congress, give you handouts to leave behind in Hill offices after your appointments and then follow-up with those offices to reinforce your message.
Register today for the American Association for Homecare Washington Legislative Conference, May 25–26, which will be held at the Washington Court Hotel: 1-800-321-3010 or 202-628-2100. Ask for the American Association for Homecare rate or reserve your room online, using promo code AAH0516 (0 = zero). Single $299 | Double $319—rates guaranteed through Friday, May 6.
Schedule at a glance:
May 25
12 noon: Lunch and Keynote Address
1:00–5:00 PM: Issue Education and Congressional Speakers
6:00 PM: PAC Reception
May 26
8:00–9:00 AM: Retrieve Material for Hill Meetings
9:30–4:30 PM: Capitol Hill Meetings
5:00–6:30 PM: Capitol Hill Reception
Conference registration is available online, aahomecare.org.
The American Association for Homecare represents durable medical equipment providers, manufacturers, and others in the homecare community that serve the medical needs of millions of Americans who require oxygen systems, wheelchairs, medical supplies, inhalation drug therapy, and other medical equipment and services in their homes. Members operate more than 3,000 homecare locations in all 50 states. Visit aahomecare.org.
—Gordon Barnes