Biopharmaceutical company Melinta Therapeutics added to the National Home Infusion Association’s Future of Infusion Advisory Council

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia & PARSIPPANY, New Jersey—The National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) and Melinta Therapeutics LLC, a biopharmaceutical company that provides therapy for individuals with acute and life-threatening illnesses, announced that Melinta has been added to NHIA’s Future of Infusion Advisory Council (FIAC). Melinta said its membership in FIAC will allow for the improvement of patient care due to collaboration with NHIA and other organizations that provide infusion therapies.

“We’re excited to join FIAC and collaborate with health care professionals on the patient experience both immediately and long-term,” said John Harlow, chief commercial officer at Melinta. “Through our partnership with NHIA, we have built a stronger understanding of the home infusion marketplace and customer needs, helping us address the changing landscape in outpatient infusion. Together, we can make a real difference in patient care—today and tomorrow.”

The FIAC advisory group includes manufacturing and service companies that are part of the home and alternative site infusion industry. The group aims to work with the association staff and board of directors to address critical issues, challenges and opportunities facing this growing segment of health care.

“We look forward to building on our long-standing partnership with Melinta through their engagement in FIAC,” said Connie Sullivan, president and CEO of NHIA. “By collaborating with industry leaders in this way, we can improve upon the ways we mutually serve the infusion community, which helps more patients lead healthy, independent lives.”