Members are invited to join for updates on the Alliance as well as to ask question they have

WASHINGTON—The NAHC-NHPCO Alliance (the Alliance) is continuing the process of integrating the two organizations into a single, cohesive champion for the care-at-home community. The Alliance said the member voice is critical to the success of this endeavor. As such, all members of legacy NAHC and legacy NHPCO are invited to a virtual Town Hall on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 to learn more about new leadership, progress on integration, how members can stay involved in the Alliance and more. Any questions are welcome and will be answered by Alliance leadership.

The Town Hall will take place on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, from 4-5:30 p.m. ET. 

The Town Hall will provide updates on:

  • CEO search
  • Permanent name for the Alliance
  • New unified website
  • Progress integrating the legacy organizations
  • Policy and advocacy developments
  • Opportunities for member engagement

There will also be a Q&A opportunity for audience members to ask Alliance leaders about what they want to know.

Information on participating in the Town Hall is below:

The Alliance has created information pages on each of the respective websites, which are accessible to all regardless of membership status. A list of Work Group and Steering Committee members, answers to frequently asked questions, links to press releases, media reports, and other relevant materials are gathered here. We will continue to update both pages as more information becomes available.