—Via AAHomecare, WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 24, 2017)—While response totals for all three categories in the survey on patient access to HME have significantly surpassed our original targets, the survey remains open for additional participation from HME patients, case managers/discharge planners, as well as providers. Please continue to share surveys with patients (or their caregivers) as well as case mangers/discharge planners who would be interested in sharing their perspectives on patient access to HME:
The strong response thus far has allowed AAHomecare, represented by Steve Ackerman, chairman of the board, and Tom Ryan, president and CEO, to share meaningful preliminary results in a meeting today with CMS personnel. Representatives from our research consultant Dobson DaVanzo and outside counsel from Foley & Hoag also took part in the meeting.
The survey was initiated in response to requests from regulatory policymakers and members of Congress looking for more information on Medicare beneficiary access to HME to help inform their work on improving the bidding program and providing a measure of relief to rural/non-bid providers. CMS has asked us to share more results with them next week, and it is clear that additional input will strengthen and improve the report’s findings and credibility. Accordingly, we ask that you make an extra effort to share the survey with patients or case managers/discharge planners as soon as possible.
Thanks to the providers, state association leaders, and other HME stakeholders who have helped publicize and promote the survey. Your efforts will help us deliver a clear picture of the current Medicare beneficiary access to policymakers.
Visit aahomecare.org for more information.