AMARILLO, Texas — Health care attorney Clay Stribling has formed HC Comply to help HME companies with compliance program development, auditing, monitoring and training. Stribling, who is president of the new company, previously worked for the Health Care Group of Brown & Fortunato.

"In the law practice, many of my projects involved assisting suppliers who were under duress," said Stribling. "Most of the time I was operating in a 'crisis management' mode. My focus at HC Comply will be to assist suppliers in developing the tools they need to avoid these crises in the first place. By adopting appropriate corporate compliance tools within its organization, a supplier can prevent many of the crises facing other companies and stay on top of changes in the HME industry."

In addition, the company will also assist with audits, overpayments and ALJ appeals. "This is something I've been thinking about for a year-and-a-half," said Stribling. "I'm excited about it!"