The United Spinal Association launched an Advocacy Impact Fund to support disability rights. The Association called the fund "a bold initiative to empower and amplify the voices of people with disabilities and fight back against these harmful policies."
"Our community is facing threats that could undermine disability rights and roll back decades of progress toward inclusion," the Association said on the fundraisers' page. "Cuts to Medicaid and home- and community-based services, efforts to weaken our civil rights, and attacks on accessible air travel and health care access all threaten the independence and quality of life of wheelchair users."
The Advocacy Impact Fund will:
- Double United Spinal Association's grassroots advocacy network to 5,000 to influence decision-makers and safeguard essential rights.
- Fund legal and policy action to challenge discriminatory laws and regulations.
- Support education campaigns to raise awareness and foster allyship.
- Provide resources and training to help wheelchair users become effective self-advocates.
The fund will be used to defend the rights of wheelchair users and ensure their voices are heard. So far, the Association has raised $4,928, 19% of it's goal of $25,000.
"Together, we can push back against policies that exclude and marginalize and build a future that includes everyone," the Association said. "Join us in this urgent fight. Make your gift to the Advocacy Impact Fund today in support of wheelchair users across the nation."