According to the Office of Inspector General, three out of five claims for standard and complex rehab power wheelchairs did not meet Medicare documentation requirements during the first half of 2007.
Various HME products, including: DeVilbiss Healthcare's IntelliPAP Bilevel S CPAP System; Silent Call Communications' Silent Touch Watch; and more.
Is it time to conduct your annual performance evaluations?
Look around (yep, even in the warehouse) to become a product expert.
Transportation can be a huge expense for any HME provider. It's no wonder many are turning to various fleet management systems to help manage the cost.
From positive to positively grim, home medical equipment providers told HomeCare they're worried about a deep freeze of their own in 2010.
Olympic Hall of Famer left his mark in the Paralympian world and beyond.
But check these four observations.
Manual wheelchair business takes some of the sting out of 9.5% cut.
The value of a value proposition.