With demand for health-related homecare services showing no signs of dropping off, home medical equipment providers have a variety of service lines to consider for business development in 2019. Opportunity may be particularly ripe in some markets, as providers say they see little, and sometimes no, competition in their markets—some say they even have to turn away business. With today’s managed care squeeze, providers can no longer count on Medicare’s fee-for-service revenue as a main line. In some ways, this is a good thing. Communities need retail-focused suppliers that specialize in the products and services that people need to live independently, to the best of their ability, for as long as possible. When developing your HME retail program, look for products that can generate cash and require limited training time. The best choices are those that a select group of cash-inclined consumers in your community need. Before choosing a retail product, check to see how well that product is currently supplied in your area. You can best help your clients when you keep in mind the cost of the product compared with the cost to the consumer. Take stairlifts, for example—your estimated cost is $1,350, with a sale price of $3,200 and installment time estimated at two hours. When considering vertical lifts, your cost is around $3,500, with a sale price of $6,000, paid with either cash or credit card. Expect your cost to be about $1,400, with a sale price of $2,000, for a vehicle lift for carrying a scooter or wheelchair on the back of a vehicle. As part of ongoing HME business development, be mindful of how you separate your company from competitors so that you provide a valued service while at the same time form a profitable business.
Develop Your Professional Style
Professionalism from your staff is a key consideration. This sends a message to your customer, who then may transmit their perception back to their doctor or case manager. Simple measures that help spread a positive business image don’t have to be expensive. Outfit your drivers in company shirts where your unique logo is clearly visible. This conveys a sense of confidence to someone who is allowing your team into their home. Second, a corporate dress code conveys a sense of competence. Both confidence and competence are critical for establishing trust in your company and brand. Individual business cards that feature your company’s information and the name of the driver will enhance the homecare experience—a professional business card also reinforces brand recognition. Ask your drivers to leave two business cards so that the client has a copy and an extra card that they can give to someone else who may need equipment or services. Did you know that when given a business card, 93 percent of people will look on the back? A friendly message from the driver adds a nice final touch. Examples: “It has been my pleasure to serve you” or “At your service for 28 years in the community.”- Underline trust-building with your drivers. A good opener from the driver starts this way: “Let me give you my business card. There are a couple of things I want you to know about this card—I don’t care what time it is or what day of the week it is. If you have a question or a problem, the company is on call 24/7 to answer your questions.”
- Outfitting drivers with professional tools helps instill a sense of pride for them, which helps enhance the employee experience as well.