Home medical equipment dealers are gearing up for the largest conference and expo in the industry. Scheduled for October 15–17, 2018, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia, Medtrade 2018 will be packed with opportunities for networking, education and new products. The theme of this year’s show is FOCUS: taking time away from the business to focus on the business.
“It’s hard to set aside time to search for new products or attend education; Medtrade has a streamlined environment where people can take a few days to focus on business strategy and growth,” said Sarah Varner, marketing director for Emerald Expositions and Medtrade. Medtrade will present 83 new speakers covering a variety of topics from regulations and compliance to executive leadership, strategic planning and more. These educational sessions will shed light on pressing issues dealers worry most about.
If dealers are looking for retail items, they won’t be disappointed at Medtrade. This year brings several opportunities, including the return of the popular Innovative HME Retail Product Awards, sponsored by HomeCare magazine. The top eight products, as selected by a panel of judges, will present their retail-ready product to attendees, who choose the top three. The session is scheduled for Monday, October 15, 1 p.m.–2 p.m.
New this year are Rise & Retail breakfast roundtables, sponsored by VGM Retail. Attendees will enjoy a hearty breakfast and rotate through four roundtable discussions on employee training, marketing, products and merchandising. Rise & Retail is scheduled for Wednesday, October 17, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Advance registration is required.
On the show floor, attendees can find the Retail Spotlight: Hands-on with Incremental Sales. This area will test attendees’ merchandising skills, showcasing three popular product categories and complementary items that can generate additional revenue.
HomeCare magazine continues its annual sponsorship of the New Product Pavilion, one of the most visited spots on the show floor each year. Attendees can view a selection of the latest innovative products in homecare. Attendees also vote on their favorites, and the top three are recognized at the show.
New this year, Quantum Rehab will offer continuing education credits in power mobility. The two courses, “Clinically Speaking—A Practical Guide to Evaluation and Documentation for Power Seat Options” and “The Case for Wheels: Selecting the Clinically Appropriate Base,” present education on evaluating medical necessity of various features and properly fitting a power wheelchair. Julie Piriano, PT, ATP/SMS, vice president of Clinical Education, Rehab Industry Affairs and Pride Mobility’s compliance officer will lead both courses.
Quantam Rehab’s courses are offered at no cost to attendees, but registration for an expo pass or a conference pass is required first. The courses are offered on Tuesday, October 16, starting at 10 a.m.
Just as in Atlanta in 2017, Medtrade will close the show Wednesday, October 17, with a $5,000 cash giveaway and reception at 5 p.m. Providers must be present to win.
Those who attend Medtrade are sure to find something new and exciting at this year’s show. Learn more at medtrade.com. On September 6, Medtrade announced the addition of a competitive bidding track to help educate providers on anticipated changes from the Final Rule. Read more here.