In efforts to expand its sleep technology solutions to the U.S., Sunrise has hired a new chief growth officer & acquired Dreem Health

NAMUR, Belgium—Sunrise, a sleep disorder diagnostics technology company, announced it has appointed a new chief growth officer, acquired California-based sleep clinic Dreem Health and has made plans to bring sleep care to the United States through telehealth services and online-based solutions. 

Philips provided the latest results and conclusions on the comprehensive test and research program to assess potential health risks related to the polyester-based polyurethane (PE-PUR) sound abatement foam

Philips Respironics provided the latest results and conclusions on the comprehensive test and research program to assess potential health risks related to the polyester-based polyurethane (PE-PUR) sound abatement foam in specific sleep therapy and ventilator devices under the voluntary June 2021 recall notification/field safety notice.*

ALBANY, N.Y. (May 12, 2022)—The New York State Medicaid department released their durable medical equipment (DME) manual update, effective June, 1 2022. Per the 202-page manual, all CPAP and BiPAP supplies that were formerly bundled with a new PAP set-up will be unbundled as of June 1.

Heated humidifiers (E0562) and cool humidifiers (E0561) were also unbundled from a new CPAP or BiPAP set up, and will be paid separately.