<i>HomeCare</i> magazine is investigating how home medical equipment companies compensate their employees, and how current economic and industry conditions are affecting employment, salaries and benefits.

In our efforts to provide the most useful information to help in providers’ business practices, HomeCare magazine is investigating how home medical equipment companies compensate their employees, and how current economic and industry conditions are affecting employment, salaries and benefits. As an HME provider, we would like to include your opinions.

Simply click here to access the survey.

The questionnaire is designed to be completed quickly and easily. As always, answers will be kept strictly confidential and reported only in aggregate with those of other survey respondents.
At the end of the survey, you may ENTER A DRAWING FOR ONE OF TWO iPOD NANOs. To view the rules and regulations regarding the drawing, please click on the following link:

Sweepstakes link
Thanks for your help. Survey results will be published in an upcoming issue of HomeCare magazine.