Improvements in bath safety products help older adults live safe, independent lives while also helping HME providers find cash sales and gain valuable long-term customers

April 2015
CMS looks to use these numbers for non-bid areas and exempt items
A look at the fact and fiction surrounding your Internet audience
Spending just a short time with your team sets the tone for the day
Increase profits while efficiently helping your customers
The current climate is changing the way HME providers grow, and that
means opportunities are on the horizon for your business
Take advantage of training programs to foster growth in this complex environment
Capital Commentary
Three reasons this option is worth exploring
Train delivery employees with this safety information and arm yourself with the right policy protection
Are you making an impact? Have you found a way to stand out? Tell us about it.
More and more customers are researching online and buying in-store.
Utilize the power of an online presence to bring in these shoppers
A glimpse into how this tool will affect the future of health care
Even as marketing technology develops, the story remains your most dominant sales tool
CHICAGO (Feb. 11, 2015)—A new editorial published in JAMA by Northwestern Medicine experts strongly questions the use of several hospital quality measures by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in its pay-for-performance programs.