On Jan. 1, 2009, the KE modifier hit the HME stage. Since then, this little modifier has been causing some providers a lot of anxiety and stress.
Fournet's Pharmacy & Professional Home Medical of Franklin, La., finds ways to put people first — even these days.
Frank Mobility Systems' push-rim power assist system e.motion M15; Naturs Design's cpap mask liner RemZzzs; Covidien's bilevel Sandman Duo; and more.
There are valuable lessons to learn when we explore the real truth about DME fraud and malfeasance.
Drive Medical's semi electric bed Ultra Light Plus; DM Systems' suspension pad Elbowlift; EHOB's mattress overlay Waffle; and more.
Why do we have to do that? All accreditation requirements apply to all companies.
Employees must understand various roles to create sales success.
Patient and vehicle lifts can be missed opportunities for HME providers and their customers.
If the circumstances around you heighten concern about your business, focus your concern in the right places.
The 2009 Retail Survey results show things have changed in HME retail, reflecting a flip-flop in providers' attitudes about the category.