Agency green lights remote monitoring, new groupings model

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 3, 2018)—To foster adoption of emerging technologies by home health agencies and to result in more effective care planning, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed an updated home health prospective payment system (PPS), adding allowables for remote patient monitoring technology and implementing a new patient-driven groupings model (PDGM).

(June 27, 2018)—The Integrated Care Resource Center (ICRC) recently released a briefing titled “Facilitating Access to Medicaid Durable Medical Equipment for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries in the Fee-for-Service System.” As the title states, the brief explores the approaches of Connecticut, California and Illinois in ensuring dual-eligible beneficiaries receive the medical equipment they need.


LAS VEGAS (June 27, 2018)—The Medtrade Spring Call for Presentations is officially on, with organizers looking for speakers and panelists to lead educational sessions at the April 17–18, 2019, show at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center.

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