Wouldn't it be interesting if our customers helped us create a sales plan?
Your brand experience better shine and delight. Yes, delight!
Consumers with complex rehab technology needs deserve a separate benefit.
Failure to act will cause irreversible harm.
How are things going with competitive bidding? It depends who you ask.
With the elimination of the least costly alternative (LCA) determination, the following rules apply under this new guidance:
National competitive bidding may have started, but the industry hasn't stopped its efforts to get the program repealed.
As this issue went to press, economist Peter Cramton had invited home medical equipment stakeholders to an industry shindig of sorts — a Medicare conference that has as its centerpiece a mock HME auction.
Aging population and active lifestyles drive the manual wheelchair market against funding issues and bidding uncertainty.
Last year's crop of da Vinci Awards winners highlighted technologies that enable equal access for all people, regardless of ability.