Permobil has launched a cross-country "Power Trip" to show off its new M300 mid-wheel drive wheelchair and Corpus 3G seating system.
H.R. 1041, the new bill to repeal DMEPOS competitive bidding, which is called the Fairness in Medicare Bidding Act, was introduced Friday by Reps. Jason Altmire, D-Pa., and Glenn Thompson, R-Pa.
"Fortunately, technology and a federal statute have intervened to make it easier for the provider to obtain the beneficiary's signature. In a number of instances, a 'blue ink' signature is not required."
Both a written transcript and audio version of a CERT Ask the Contractor call on oxygen policy has been posted on the DME MACs' websites.
After concluding its most recent widespread prepayment review of claims for power wheelchairs (HCPCS K0823), NHIC, the DME MAC for Jurisdiction A, will continue to review those claims.
Manual wheelchairs are a mainstay for many mobility providers, yet sales reps spend little time analyzing how to sell them.
According to an OIG report, providers submitted claims for at least 75 types of mail-order diabetic test strips in the last quarter of 2009.
While the timing of the national mail-order bid for diabetic supplies has not yet been announced, here are the basics of what the program will look like:
Various HME products, including: Otto Bock's Kiwi Pediatric Wheelchair; PP&R Products' Comfort Caddy; GF Health Products' Lumex AltaDyne 765000; Quantum Rehab's Synergy Solution; Diabco's ARX-Lite; and more.
What PPACA has to say about it