TORONTO (June 23, 2022)—Ability Members Group (ABILITY), one of Canada’s fastest growing networks of independent home medical equipment providers, is pleased to announce Kelli Vriend as director, member services. This is a newly created role to better support a rapidly growing number of members. Vriend brings over 20 years of experience in building, managing and growing home medical equipment operations. 

ATLANTA (June 23, 2022)—Registration is open for Medtrade East, scheduled for Oct. 24-26 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. SmartSaver rates are now in effect and are the absolute lowest rates available ($125 for a Conference Pass and $30 for an Expo Pass). A Conference Pass includes full access to the Expo floor. SmartSaver rates are in effect through July 1.

ATLANTA (June 20, 2022)—After Emerald officials decided to consolidate the Medtrade East and Medtrade West shows into one annual event, the question became; when and where? 

“The suspense is over, and the contract has been signed,” said York Schwab, show director. “Medtrade will head to Dallas and take place March 28-30, 2023.”

The specific location is the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in the Convention Center District in downtown Dallas. 

WATERLOO, Iowa (June 10, 2022)—The Durable Medical Equipment Repair and Training (DMERT) Group has announced Wayne Grau as the new chair of their executive board.  

Greg Packer, president of U.S. Rehab and previous Chair of the DMERT Group, announced his resignation to be effective upon the naming of a successor.