Understand the problems of the obese and bariatric surgery as a weight- loss option so you can communicate real understanding to referral sources. Obesity
by Alison Cherney

  • Understand the problems of the obese and bariatric surgery as a weight- loss option so you can communicate real understanding to referral sources. Obesity is increasing in the country as are the number of bariatric surgeries. Make sure you understand the special needs of the obese and the issues they have pre- and post-bariatric surgery.

  • Find the top bariatric surgeons in your market and get them to be a part of your advisory group. Set up an advisory group for your bariatric product line and ask surgeons what their needs are in terms of specific bariatric products and services. Create unique solutions for your bariatric community.

  • Establish a cohesive pre- and post- surgery protocol with each of your referral sources. Surgeons like programs that are specific for their patients, and they like fast response times. What can your company do to make it easy for surgeons handling these patients?

  • Host discussion groups about obesity. Offer to host support groups for these patients or set up a group in your community. Advertise these in the local newspaper and get fliers out to local bariatric surgery centers. Become well known as the bariatric experts in your area.

  • Call on registered dietitians. As people are becoming more obese, they are seeking new ways to diet. Contact the RDs in your area, get them information on your products and services and use them to network to the obese in your community.

Alison Cherney is president of Cherney & Associates Inc., a Brentwood, Tenn.-based marketing and sales consulting firm, and is the producer of Homecare Power Selling, a sales training program for home care sales reps. She can be reached at www.cherneyandassociates.com or 615/776 3399.