“This is a critical time for us in home care. We need
to convince Congress to make some changes to the Medicare
competitive bidding program. We need to assure the passage of the
[Home Oxygen Patient Protection] bill, No. 621 … Home care is
an essential, cost-effective part of the solution to the looming
health care crisis in America. It is our job to make sure Congress
understands our plight.”
— Alan Landauer, chairman of Mt. Vernon, N.Y.-based
Landauer Metropolitan and chairman of the American Association for
Homecare. Speaking at AAHomecare's Legislative Conference last
month, Landauer (right) — shown with past association chair
Tom Ryan (left) and Sen. Arlen Specter — also noted that
“there has been a cloud of fraud and abuse that hangs over
our industry … Congress must understand that CMS and the NSC
must be held responsible.” Said Landauer, we are “the
good guys.”
500 million people were age 65 and older in 2006, a number projected to grow to 1 billion by 2030.
Source: National Institutes of Health
80% of older adults have at least one chronic condition and 50 percent have at least two.
Source: HHS/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Coordinating Center for Health Promotion
1 of 8 U.S. federal health care dollars is spent treating people with diabetes.
Source: The National Changing Diabetes Program
100 million people will have Alzheimer's by 2050.
Source: Johns Hopkins University
Hawaii State with the best health care system. Mississippi was ranked last.
Source: Commonwealth Fund
11% Percentage by which health-care costs for employers are likely to rise during the next 12 months.
Source: Aon Consulting
Good TV shows can cause overweight. In general, people eat more when watching TV, but the more entertaining the show, the more food is consumed. Less food is consumed when shows are boring.
Source: Reuters/The Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation