LENEXA, Kan. (August 4, 2015)—Mediware Information Systems Inc., a provider of comprehensive post-acute care health care software, announced the second scheduled release of their latest integrated product, CareTend.

The second planned and on time release of the CareTend software will coincide with the 2015 Medtrade conference and the Mediware user group meeting this fall. The new release features the latest functionality for the home infusion and home medical equipment markets, including a new workflow management tool that more efficiently manages the major tasks necessary to process Infusion prescriptions and HME work orders.

“We are thrilled to showcase our next release of CareTend at our upcoming home care user conference,” says Paul O’Toole, vice president and general manager of the home care solutions division of Mediware. “Providing our customers software technology that makes their jobs easier and more efficient is a key advantage to the software. I am pleased that our customers will be able to see the new offering and begin benefitting from its new features and functions.” 

In March, Health Options became the first production user of the CareTend software, and they are already benefitting from the data capabilities in the software that allow providers to better configure and control the software to meet their specific needs. Health Options also transitioned their software deployment from on-premise to a Mediware-hosted model, where they have added flexibility in managing their data.

“Incorporating CareTend into our business model made the most sense to us. The new software allows us to control our data and manage our operations in new ways that save us valuable time,” says Michael Hayes, VP of operations at Health Options.

For more information visit mediware.com.