Monday, November 10, 2014
Phoenix, AZ (Oct. 10, 2014)—Most Americans respect and value what veterans have done for our country. On Veteran's Day,Nov. 11, many people and companies will pay homage to them. Wheelchair Solutions honors our country's veterans 365 days a the year.
As of 2012, there were 3.6 million disabled American veterans, just slightly more people than the 3.3 million who currently use wheelchairs.
Kathy Mondotte,president, inventor and founder of Wheelchair Solution's line of Wheelie products for wheelchair users, designed her products based on a great deal of input from veterans. They told her they needed a safe place to store their valuables. She added a zippered compartment for keys,money, credit cards, etc. They told her a durable, but lightweight fabric was important to avoid perspiration. Mondotte found a sturdy, washable, water-resistant cotton fabric. They said nothing could be bulky. Wheelchair Solutions' Wheelie products are streamlined.
To further honor veterans,Wheelchair Solutions Wheelie Styles, the colorful, reversible seat covered cushions and arm rest covers with integrated personal item/security pouch,matching backpack and accessories, come in a wide variety of fabric styles and colors, including in reversible stars and stripes and camouflage-tan patterns.